January 23, 2025

Meta Issues in Psi Research

Today I took part in the monthly Society for Scientific Exploration member workshop. It was great to connect with folks I hadn’t seen in a while. I was given a slot to speak about our work and spent a little time talking about some of the “meta-issues” we regularly face while working in Edge Science.

Some of the topics I covered included:

  • Defending parapsychology
  • A moratorium on direct psi research on non-human animals
  • Additional protections for participants in psi-focused research studies
  • Understanding experimenter motivations
  • Ethical considerations for psi-based applications

As researchers, IMO, we have an obligation to consider why we want to study a topic and the impacts of publishing those results.

These days, I walk away from more studies than I actually run.

Given how little we really know about psi and consciousness, there are still some things we are not ready to drag into the cold, harsh light of the materialist-based research establishment.

It’s OK to leave some questions unanswered, at least for now.

Cover Photo by Ann H