November 1, 2024

Social Media Slow Down

Social media has never been great for our organizations. We have some followers across different platforms, but our reach has been small. Since we have limited resources, I have decided to focus our outreach efforts on our email lists. Going forward, you can still find my work on Facebook and LinkedIn, but Twitter will no longer be used. Below are the links you’ll need if you would like to subscribe to our email updates:

Our current email lists (these are best!)

The Windbridge Institute, LLC email update (this also covers many of the posts here)

Windbridge Research Center (Afterlife Research) email updates

Julie Beischel, PhD (Mediumship and Afterlife Research), Website and email list

Our current socials (only updated occasionally)

The Windbridge Insitute, LLC on Facebook

The Windbridge Institute, LLC on LinkedIn

The Windbridge Instisute, LLC on YouTube (conference presentations and more)

Windbridge Research Center on Facebook

Windbridge Research Center on YouTube (we post new educational videos here)

We also have accounts on Instagram, you can search for us there.

